15 Emotional Handwritten Vows for the Modern Bride and Groom


Many couples choose to write their own wedding vows, saying something personal and meaningful. Your vows are an opportunity to declare your love and commitment with sincerity and passion. If you want to show your spouse how much they mean to you on your big day, incorporating an emotional element into your wedding vows can help communicate those feelings on an even deeper level.

The popularity of pre-written wedding vows has significantly grown in recent years because people want a tangible way of expressing their love for one another. You can do this by choosing thoughtful and heartfelt words that speak directly from your heart rather than simply saying “I do” and calling it good. Here are fifteen handwritten emotional wedding vow inspirations for the modern bride and groom.


A vow to be there for better and for worse.

Your vows can be a great place to start if you’re struggling to come up with ideas. By choosing words that describe the relationship you want to have, you can create vows that are both beautiful and meaningful. You can do this by choosing vows that show you want to support your spouse through good times and bad, through sickness and health, through all of life’s ups and downs. By doing this, you can let your partner know that their feelings are valid and that you’re there for them no matter what.

Love is Patient and Kind

This is one of the most popular wedding vow examples. Start off your vows by reminding yourself and your partner that love is the foundation of your marriage. This vow will remind you both to be patient with one another and to show kindness at all times. You can also use it to explore your feelings in more detail and elaborate on what love means to you. Feelings can change over time and you want to make sure your partner knows every aspect of your ever-growing love. You may want to add that you will strive to be more patient and kind throughout your marriage to make it last. Love is more than just a feeling. It's a choice. It's an action. It's a decision. It's something you do, not something you feel. It's a verb, not a noun. It's something you do for another person. It's not about what makes you happy, it's about what makes someone else happy.


A vow to laugh with you and cry with you.

At the heart of every great love story is a strong connection between two people. It's important to show your partner that you admire them and that you appreciate their presence in your life. This can be done through vows that highlight your partner’s positive characteristics. As you write your vows, take some time to think about your partner and what you love about them. Consider choosing words that show you admire their kindness, compassion, or a skill they possess. These are the kinds of things that make your partner unique, and you can incorporate them into your vows to show how much you value your partner and their presence in your life.


Because All That Matters Is Us.

This is a lovely way to end your vows and to let your partner know how much they mean to you. It is just a way of expressing your feelings and letting them know you are in it for the long haul. You could say: “Because all that matters is that I love you and you love me.” This is a perfect way to let your partner know that all that matters is that you are together and that you are committed to them for the rest of your lives.


Thanks for Being There

This is an awesome way to show your gratitude towards your partner for always being by your side. You could say something like: “Thanks for being there. Thanks for being my friend, my lover and my life. Thanks for loving me even when I don’t love myself.” This is one of the most beautiful wedding vow examples as it shows your gratitude towards your partner for always being there for you and being your lover and best friend. It is a great way to show your spouse how much they mean to you and how grateful you are for them.



I Give You All of Me

This is a great way of expressing how much you want to give your partner everything that you have to give. You could say something like: “I give you all of me. I promise to always love and cherish you.” This is a great way to promise your partner that you will always put them first and be there for them no matter what. You could also add that you promise to always be honest and have integrity in everything that you do, and that you will never put them in a situation where you have to choose between them and your family or friends. You can also promise to always take care of them and protect them and do everything you can to make their life as enjoyable and comfortable as possible. This wedding vow example is a great way to let your partner know how much you love and cherish them.


Together Is Where We Belong

This kind of vow is the perfect way to show how inseparable you and your partner are and that you’re committed to them for the rest of your lives. You could say something like: “Together is where we belong. Together is where we grow. Together is where we will stay.” This is a great way to reassure your partner that they are the one and that you are committed to them forever.


A vow to love and grow together no matter what comes your way.

Everyone gets through hardships in life, but some couples have to go through more than others. If you or your partner have dealt with real trauma or loss, you may be hesitant to put it in your vows, but you don’t have to avoid it completely. Instead, you can write vows that show you want to be there for each other no matter what life throws your way. This can be a great way to show your partner that you understand the challenges they’ve dealt with in their life and that you want to be there for them.


The Path to Happily Ever After

This vow will show the path to the happy life you will share with your partner. You could say: “The path to happily ever after starts with this vow. I give my hand, my heart and my love to you.” This is a great way to reassure your partner that you are committed to them for the rest of your lives, and to let them know that the challenges and struggles of everyday life are something you will face together.


A vow to never stop fighting for what’s important to you both.

Partners come together to build each other up, not tear each other down. This is a great theme to include in your vows because it shows that you want to build a life together while also acknowledging that you don’t always agree on everything. It shows your partner that you’re there for them no matter what, but that you also want to be an active partner in your relationship. This can be a great vow for any couple, but it’s especially important for a couple that has seen a lot of conflict in their relationship.


I Will Always Be There for You

What better way to reassure your partner that they have support and comfort from you during both the good and bad times in their life than through your wedding vows. You could say something like: “I will always be there for you. I will love you when you are tired and old. I will love you when no one else does.” It is a great way to show your commitment to them for the rest of their lives. This is one of the most beautiful wedding vow examples as it shows your commitment to be there for your partner during both the good and bad times in their life.


A vow that’s only strengthened by disagreement and struggle, not weakened by it.

Disagreements are bound to happen in any relationship, but if you let them build up and let them tear you and your partner apart, they can become destructive. When you write your vows, you can choose to focus on the good moments and the things that you love about your partner, but you can also choose to acknowledge the challenges you’ve faced together. You can do this by choosing vows that show you want to let your struggles make you stronger as a couple. This is a great vow to write if you want to prevent any destructive arguing in your relationship.


 You Have My Forever

Another popular wedding vow example, this vow shows your partner that you are committed to them forever. You could say something like, “You have my forever, my love and all my care.” This is a beautiful way to reassure your partner that they are the one and you will love them for all time. You could even tie this into your wedding theme if you have one. For example, if you have a country theme, you could say, “You have my farmland, my love and all my care.” You could also say: “You have my heart, my soul and all my love.” This is one of the most beautiful wedding vow examples as it shows your partner how much they mean to you and that you are committed to them for the rest of your life.


A vow to be the best stepmom you can be.

If your partner has children from a previous relationship, they may feel a bit unsure about how to get them involved in your new marriage. Your partner may worry about where your place is in their children’s lives. By choosing vows that show you want to be there for your partner’s children, you can help put their minds at ease. You can also show them that you value the presence of their kids in your life and that you want to get to know them. By being open with your partner about how you want to be a part of their children’s lives, you can help show them that you will try to love their kids as though they were yours.


A promise that will see you through even the toughest of times.

Everyone experiences tough times in life, but these times don’t have to end a relationship. If you want to write vows that are a promise for a brighter future, you can do so by choosing words that let your partner know you’re committed to them no matter what comes your way. When you write your vows, you can choose to focus on the positive moments you’ve shared together or you can acknowledge the challenges you’ve faced. By choosing a promise that will last through the tough times and the good times, you can show your partner that you’re committed to them no matter what.


Choosing to write your vows by hand is a beautiful way to personalize your wedding and let your partner know how much they mean to you. By choosing words that come straight from your heart, you can create emotional vows that are truly yours and represent your relationship beautifully. If you’re struggling to come up with ideas, try brainstorming with a friend. You can also try looking through different quotes or poems to get some inspiration. I hope these wedding vow examples will help you to find the words to express your feelings and make your wedding day even more special.



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